Invest In TheFastest-growing IndustryIn The World.
Market with digital currencies and the technology of blockchain is the fastest-growing industry today. You are now getting a unique opportunity to invest in this industry by becoming a silent partner of the global crypto Exchange.

Current development of Coingarage Exchange
Coingarage is a new European cryptocurrency exchange founded by entrepreneur Ota Janda in 2021. After two years of preparation and development of the necessary software, we launched the exchange in 2023. Since then, we have added numerous new features for our users and continue to develop more.
- Done
- In Developement
- Planned
Not in tax havens, but in the heart of Europe.
Most of the current cryptocurrency exchanges are based in tax havens and countries outside the jurisdiction of EU laws. Our exchange is located directly in the heart of Europe in the Czech Republic and operates under local and European laws and regulations governing cryptocurrency trading.
Our aim is to rectify the digital currency market and provide all users in Europe with a safe and regulated environment for their trades. That's why we collaborate with lawyers and experts in crypto regulation and actively prepare for the new European regulation MiCA.

Estimated Valuation by 2030
To calculate the company's value, we use references and examples of valuations of competing exchanges across the world, in addition to a recognized indicator called EBITDA.
Exchange | Users | Value ($) |
Binance | 120 M | 300 B |
Coinbase | 56 M | 100 B |
KuCoin | 20 M | 20 B |
BYBIT | 15 M | 19 B |
Kraken | 9 M | 20 B |
Gemini | 2 M | 7 B |
Coingarage | 2.5 M | 2.4 B |
The investment opportunity was terminated
At which side in this new technological revolution you want to be?
2017: “Cryptocurrency is just not a real thing, eventually it will be closed.”
1997: “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.”
1995: “I predict the Internet will soon go spectacularly supernova and in 1996 catastrophically collapse.”
1989: “We will never make a 32-bit operating system.”
1961: “There is practically no chance communications space satellites will be used to provide better telephone, telegraph, television or radio service inside the United States.”
1946: “Television won't be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night.”
1903: “The horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty – a fad.”
Actual: “Bitcoin's structure is very ingenious. The paper money disappears, and crypto-currencies are a much better way to transfer values than a piece of paper, that's for sure.“
Actual: “At their core, cryptocurrencies are built around the principle of a universal, inviolable ledger, one that is made fully public and is constantly being verified by these high-powered computers, each essentially acting independently of the others.“
Actual: “ When decentralised blockchain protocols start displacing the centralised web services that dominate the current Internet, we'll start to see real internet-based sovereignty. The future Internet will be decentralised.“
Actual: “The reason we are all here is that the current financial system is outdated.“
Actual: “Blockchain is the tech. Bitcoin is merely the first mainstream manifestation of its potential.”
Actual: “What’s going on right now would have been Nobel prize winning economist Robert Mundell’s dream: to introduce a global monetary system not under anyone’s control.”
PS: Despite Jamie Dimon's criticism of Bitcoin, JPMorgan's stance has shifted, with the bank now involved in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. They've even developed their own blockchain-based payment system called JPM Coin.